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With Paylocity, attract employees that stick!

Have you ever come across employees who seem to actually love their job and organization? I’m talking about the kind that wouldn’t mind working overtime once a while when a deadline is on the horizon. Such employees are hard to come by today. And they are not to blame.

According to recent research, when an organization takes steps to keep its workforce thoroughly engaged, the workforce tends to discretionarily do more things that are in the interests of the organization and not just themselves.

But what does engaged actually mean? Does it mean throwing parties and organizing monthly getaways? Does it mean having satisfied employees who have complaints about their job? Does it mean offering lucrative perks and rewards?

Well, it turns out that there is a little more to employee engagement than that. Having a truly engaged workforce means that your employees have a deep emotional connection with your company. And how do you build this connection? You look after their interests and ensure that they feel like they are an integral part of the company.

With Paylocity’s Modern Workforce Solutions, you will have all the tools in your repertoire to keep your employee happy, satisfied and most importantly, engaged. To learn more on how Paylocity can help you improve employee engagement and get better business outcomes, set up a meeting with me using the link here.